HAYAMI grass straw
Our mission
We will build a sustainable society by continuing to provide the world with a little eco-friendly choices that we can make today.
Marine plastic problem
Around the world, 8 million tons of plastic flow into the ocean each year. These plastics take 100-200 years to break down.
By 2050, the amount of microplastics in the ocean will exceed that of fish. In fact, more than 100 million marine life is dead from plastic waste. Furthermore, in 2018, it was reported that microplastics were also detected in the human body, which eats marine organisms containing microplastics in their bodies.
This is the second highest per capita consumption of disposable plastics after the United States.
It is not another person's affairs for Japan, which is the second largest in the world. However, domestic laws and regulations are inadequate, and the reality is that people's interest in sustainability is lower than in Western countries.
Therefore, we started the grass straw project as the first step to reduce marine plastics and maintain a clean sea and the earth.
We believe that each and every one of our daily, slightly eco-friendly choices will make a big difference.
We hope that we can provide as many people as possible with an opportunity to think about sustainability through grass straws.
Social contribution and features of grass straws
We support Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Suburbs of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Contribute to job creation in rural areas.
Cultivated without pesticides and additives
After use, the grass straw returns to the soil.
By reducing plastic straws
Aim to reduce marine plastics.
By collaborating with local NGOs
Supports sustainable agricultural development.
Support for developing countries
Manufactured in a rural area on the outskirts of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
It also leads to job creation for local people such as farmers, factory, printing companies.
We buy / sell at a reasonable price without drastically lowering the price to make it a fair trade product.
Completely biodegradable and chemical-free
Because it is completely naturally derived and biodegradable,
it could be decomposed in the same way as grasses do on the road.
No pesticides and no preservatives or additives,
it is a safe and secure product.
High safety
This product is sterilized by high temperature and UV.
Hygiene Standards Test conducted at the Japan Food Research Laboratories
(Arsenic, heavy metals, formaldehyde, coliform bacteria, general viable bacteria)
It satisfies the high quality requirements
in the Japanese market.
Stems of a plant called lepironia, which has been cultivated in the suburbs of Ho Chi Minh City for many year.
Unlike paper straws and biodegradable plastics,
It looks natural and feels very smooth when it touches your lips.
It is the straw that you can feel nature.
ストローの口径サイズは複数ありますか?草ストローの口径サイズは4㎜~7㎜になっております。 植物の茎をそのままストローにしているため、植物本来の特徴を保ったまま製品になっているため、口径も原料の茎によって異なっています。
衛生面でどのような対策をされていますか?水での洗浄に加えて、高温殺菌・UV殺菌を行っております。 一般社団法人日本食品分析センターで実施される衛生検査も通過しております。 また、残留農薬検査も通過しておりますので、安心してご利用していただけます。
大ロットや継続取引でディスカウントはありますか?はい!大ロットでのご注文や継続してお取引していただける場合はディスカウントさせていただいております。 詳しくは、弊社お問い合わせフォームよりご連絡いただけますと幸いです。
「HAYAMIの草ストロー」の特徴は何ですか?現地視察やマニュアル作成、残留農薬検査・衛生検査などを徹底して行っており、安心安全な商品作りに努めています。また、ベトナム語・日本語が堪能なスタッフが在籍しているため、細かな要望やトラブルへの対応も迅速に行うことができます。 加えて、代表が東京農業大学の学生というバックグラウンドを活かして、現地の農村支援NGO「VIRI」と協業の上、原材料の栽培地の農村支援活動を行っております。